- hedge position
- позиция по хеджированию
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Hedge (finance) — For other uses, see Hedge (disambiguation). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
Hedge fund — A hedge fund is a private investment fund open to a limited range of investors which is permitted by regulators to undertake a wider range of activities than other investment funds and which pays a performance fee to its investment manager.… … Wikipedia
hedge — (1) Verb To reduce risk or behavior that reduces risk from future price movements. (2) Noun A transaction undertaken to reduce risk by offsetting the risk in another transaction. The risk in one position is hedged by counterbalancing it with the… … Financial and business terms
Hedge-Fonds — Hedgefonds (von engl. to hedge [hɛdʒ], „absichern“, engl. hedge fund; selten SAIV sophisticated alternative investment vehicle, engl. etwa für ausgefeiltes/anspruchsvolles alternatives Investitionsvehikel) sind eine spezielle Art von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hedge fund — Hedgefonds (von engl. to hedge [hɛdʒ], „absichern“, engl. hedge fund; selten SAIV sophisticated alternative investment vehicle, engl. etwa für ausgefeiltes/anspruchsvolles alternatives Investitionsvehikel) sind eine spezielle Art von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hedge ratio — The relationship between the number of contracts required for a direct hedge and the number of contracts required to hedge in a specific situation. The concept of hedging is to match the size of a positive cash flow from a gaining futures… … Financial and business terms
Hedge Accounting — Als Hedge Accounting bezeichnet man die Bilanzierung zweier oder mehrerer Verträge (auch sog. Finanzinstrumente), die in einem Sicherungszusammenhang stehen. Der Zusammenhang dieser Verträge besteht in der gegenläufigen Ausgestaltung hinsichtlich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hedge Ratio — 1. A ratio comparing the value of a position protected via a hedge with the size of the entire position itself. 2. A ratio comparing the value of futures contracts purchased or sold to the value of the cash commodity being hedged. 1. Say you are… … Investment dictionary
Hedge (barrier) — A hedge is a line of closely spaced shrubs and bushes, planted and trained in such a way as to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area. Hedges, especially those used to separate a road from adjoining fields or one field from another,… … Wikipedia
Hedge Fund — Gestion alternative Les investissements des fonds spéculatifs entre 2000 et 2007 La gestion alternative est un mode de gestion de portefeuille appliqué par certains fonds d investissement dits « fonds alternatifs » ou « fonds de… … Wikipédia en Français
Hedge fund — Gestion alternative Les investissements des fonds spéculatifs entre 2000 et 2007 La gestion alternative est un mode de gestion de portefeuille appliqué par certains fonds d investissement dits « fonds alternatifs » ou « fonds de… … Wikipédia en Français